You are doing Service-Learning, what is the satisfaction of recipients? A satisfaction survey from nursing home residents’ perspective
Yi-Ting Lo1, Hui-Wen Chien2*
2*Assistant Professor, Asia University. Department of HealthCare Administration. Taichung City. Taiwan
Designing quality leisure activities programs are one of the most challenging tasks for social workers working within a nursing home setting as its prime objective is that of creating a better quality of life for residents. This study aims to make explicit the process of conceptualization of satisfaction from the resident’s perspective who reside within a for profit nursing home in Taichung City. As within the tenet of a continuous strive for quality improvement, this satisfaction survey is ongoing without end through the window of a Service-Learning initiative project residing with a nursing home setting. Volunteerism is a trend in modern society with school education systems encouraging students involved within community services, in order to enhance their community service experiences(Lin,2006).Service–Learning is an effective teaching method which creates a synergy of academic study extended to a community setting reality backdrop. A structured course design, underpinned by an iterant process of students’ reflection walks the students through the process of the service delivery and evaluation. The actual benefit of students learning outcomes through service learning have been emphasized in research literature(Lin, 2006 & Kolb, 1984).It is expected the finding will improve the quality of design leisure activities and actual practice for the nursing home residents. It is not only beneficial for the social worker who undertakes the design of these the leisure activity programs but also informs academics involved the pedagogy of professional subject design within the contents of the Service-Learning.
Key word:
Service-Learning, nursing home, leisure activities, service satisfaction
Kolb, David A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experiential As The Source Of Learning And Development. New Jersev:Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliffs.
Lin, Hui-Chen.(2006). A Study of University Students‘ Perceptions of Their Willingness to Partivpate in Service Learning Projects. Journal of Liberal Studies,(10),pp.171-192.